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Wednesday 23 May 2012

ERIK NORLANDER: It's Bob's Birthday

Today is the birthday of Robert Moog (1934-2005) pioneer of electronic music and inventer of the eponymous synthesiser.

In fact his name has become synonymous with synthesisers (to those of us of a certain age) in the same way as J. Edgar Hoover's name became synonymous with vacuum cleaners (maybe I didn't get that last bit completely right)

Erik Norlander wrote to me this morning:

"I've published the first video from our forthcoming DVD, "The Galactic Collective - Live in Gettysburg," in honor of Dr. Robert Moog's birthday, today, May 23rd. And I'm not the only one. Check out the Google Doodle at, and google.everwhere else! Would you please make a Gonzo blog post about this?

Of course I will, Erik!

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