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Sunday 24 February 2013


CD Genre
Group Cristiano Roversi
albums Antiqua
Year 2013
Note 16/20
    Cristiano Roversi-Cristiano Roversi is an Italian multi-instrumentalist who formed in 1994 Moogarden. Antiqua his third solo album is very inspired by the progressive rock of the 70s. The artist claims himself, his mentor is Anthonny Phillips (lead guitarist of Genesis). Cristiano is surrounded by many artists to this album, for vocals, drums, guitar, or bass. Nine titles, fifty-one minutes, two feature films, Tales From Falling Solitude Suite, a signed Ed Unistky artwork worthy of a book of fairy account, here's a few words Antiqua. was discovered relatively instrumental album, not necessarily technical sometimes sinking into the facility, a very cinematic music, interspersed with progressive touches, a rhythmic Genesis, twelve string guitar sounding at times like Hackett and his good old keyboards, Hammond organ and Mellotrom. 

    Melodies s listen to it with ease, but some passages are likely to challenge you, like singing on Tales from Solitude Suite that comes completely cannons progressive rock, almost shocking the first time and we ended up finding a very attractive once the last surprise. There is also L'amore, sung in Italian pop genre blah blah which ends still on progressive sound. Revelated Nessie's atmosphere and Falling is mesmerizing. The first part of Falling is simply magical with the voice that sings Leonora names of beings or machines vollent. Celestal Slowfall lacks a bit of pep, and it is a shame the music is a bit too linear and expected an instrumental this time. Dimlit Tavern, although it is quite simple magic has obvious with acoustic guitar where one feels the influence of Anthonny Phillips. There is also the presence of the wheel Vielle played by James Larcombe which gives one side as progressive folk very friendly. Antiqua is a very instrumental Hackett with Gigl Cavalli Cocchi percussion. One of the highlights of the album titles, more thorough, more musical, very prog. Afterwards there sometimes frankly too easy melodies like Nirayed's Secret Diary, which adds nothing to the album in my opinion where the final of the album, Antiqua's Evening. But the overall impression remains a very nice album, which listens without effort, that does not tire, pretty progressive references. In short, we spent a great time with her. Posted by Neoprog the 17/02/2013


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