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Tuesday 19 March 2013


In 2013 appeared the meanwhile third CD edition of "Talking to Strangers". The year before, there was also the second limited-edition LP of the album to buy. Both came with a new cover by Jackie Morris on the market. That at the first CD-only edition in the cover tracklist available, but missing on the CD "Harpsong instrumental" 2013 has been replaced with two bonus tracks actually existent "Sparkling" and "Waiting". Strangely, you will find either on the CD or in the booklet notes on the label. On the Internet there is increasing evidence that it is in the mysterious publisher to Gonzo Multimedia. Any attempts of a sound improvement we have omitted it, even if I happen some pieces of "Harpsong" sound somewhat muffled.

Most of the compositions of "Talking to Strangers" made in collaboration between Judy Dyble and Tim Bowness. Accordingly, these an interesting fusion of psychedelic prog-folk of the 70's with the elements of the so-called new art rock represents If you like, you can re-discover as well a lot of the transitional period, as were of Giles, Giles & Fripp gradually King Crimson.
After a series of dreamy, or static sounding folk-prog pieces surprise some passages of "Harpsong" with stylistic bonds between King Crimson in the last occupation (before - perhaps final - resolution), the King Crimson and the first occupation of McDonald & Giles single-disc lie. Even more I like the group consisting of soundscapes, flute solos and ethnic percussion passages of longtracks, because these can hardly be compared with anything.

The title track and "Dreamtime", some compositional similarities with the style of the Renaissance formation in their most creative period. And it is also likely the biggest supporters of Judy Dyble be clear that the comparisons with Annie Haslam would not be in favor of Fr Dyble. Incidentally, one becomes aware of "Talking to Strangers" that Pat Mastelotto as a sensitive folk drummer looks good. Thanks Saxsolos Laurie A'Court getting a duet sung by Dyble and Tim Bowness melancholy "Grey October Day" a jazzy touch.

And then finally, the biggest surprise for me: The bonus track "Sparkling" provides with me with harps and Mellotronklängen and with the haunting mysterious atmosphere of enthusiasm. So I must declare a bonus track, my personal highlight of the album. Unfortunately, I was the exact origin of the two bonus tracks not previously determined. It can be assumed - as in most cases - that they were taken together with the other pieces, but the producer Tim Bowness and Alistair Murphy somewhat less liked.

"Talking to Strangers" will probably provide the listener with a dilemma, who want to separate the compositional structures of the classic prog of the atmospheric-flowing forms of the new millennium hip Artrock strictly. Who does not believe that they can harmonize well together both schools should listen to "Talking to Strangers".

Talking With Strangers
CD - £9.99

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