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Thursday 7 March 2013


File:Alvin Lee.jpg

Alvin Lee 1944 –2013

I have lovely memories of Alvin, visiting him with my late husband in the mews cottage where he lived in London, and later at Hook End Manor, a fairytale of a house, and latterly at the house he shared with his then partner and their daughter in High Wycombe before he moved away to Spain. I remember them coming to supper in our cottage in Oxfordshire and the giggles we all had. Their daughter Jasmin and our son Dan were pretty much of an age so they got on well as small children and played together.

I still have the photos he took of our wedding, using his newly acquired fish-eye lens, which resulted in rather peculiar but very informal mementos of that day over 40 years ago. Although I haven’t seen him since he moved to Spain I have very fond memories of him and I will sit in the chair tonight that he gave us and which has always been known as ‘Alvin’s Chair’ and remember him and his music. Much love to his family xxxx 

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