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Wednesday 6 March 2013

LINK: Subscription only Eric Burdon interview

Singer Eric BurdonEric Burdon, former lead singer with the Animals and one of the great British blues voices, is one of rock’s survivors. He was with Jimi Hendrix shortly before the guitarist died, he was John Lennon’s “eggman” in I Am the Walrus, and he toured with the likes of Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis and Little Richard in their explosive 1960s heyday. All of which he is happy to talk about to The Times in a conversation loaded with anecdotes.

Speaking in a husky, transatlantic-tinged Geordie accent down the phone from an LA hotel – where he is promoting his new album

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The Lost Broadcasts
DVD - £9.99

The Animals And Beyond 
DVD - £9.99

Beat Beat Beat - Eric Burdon..
DVD - £4.99

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