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Saturday 29 June 2013

Classic Rock Radio Dot EU Interview Spotlight: Mark Murdock

A few months back I reviewed independent recording artist Mark Murdock's new CD, 'Cymbalic Encounters', along with my positive review, many more followed. Due to good word of mouth and wonderful promotion, 'Cymbalic Encounters' is now being unleashed on the world with a previously unheard of bonus track on June 17th. I welcomed the opportunity to ask Mark a few questions.

CRR Dot EU: Mark, Can you start off by telling us about this new release date?

Mark Murdock: On June 18th 'Cymbalic Encounters' is being released worldwide via Gonzo MultiMedia which houses a host of notable Prog artists. I feel 'Cymbalic Encounters' has found a nice home with Gonzo. Up to the Gonzo release, the CD has been exclusively available through diskunion Japan and as a digital music download via cdbaby, iTunes, and Amazon. There will be a Bonus Track and an expanded insert with lyrics and more photos on the Gonzo release.

CRR Dot EU: What has been the most rewarding response to 'Cymbalic Encounters'?

Mark Murdock: I have received a number of thumbs up for bringing John and Percy together on record, most likely from Brand X followers. I believe it has been a number of years since they have collaborated on any given project. More importantly, of course, is that the music has been for the most part well received. Some key radio programs like CRR Dot EU and stations in Europe aired it and there have also been numerous reviews featured in many key music magazines, all of which I wasn't really expecting. I initially envisioned the CD would have a sort of an underground appeal amongst some shady group of characters from the late seventies.

CRR Dot EU: Have their been any attempts to play this music live?

Mark Murdock: There was an attempt to bring everyone together as a Brand X reunion and Cymbalic Encounters set here in Tokyo. Actually, I was asked by a promoter to do a Japan tour, and had agreement from all Brand X members but one key member. So to make a long story short, without this one key member it was an unlikely sale. So, at the moment I have a three piece group of local musicians, here in Tokyo, where we are rehearsing selected songs in hopes of playing a few local gigs.

CRR Dot EU: Regarding the songs, I was wondering what was the inspiration behind the song titles?

Cymbalic Encounters
CD - £9.99

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