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Tuesday 16 July 2013

The Animals’ Eric Burdon On How Gorbachev, Hendrix & Chuck Berry Have Inspired His Music

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Like most legendary rockers from the British Invasion, Eric Burdon and his then-band, the Animals, were profoundly influenced by Chuck Berry. Burdon says that Berry’s influence on him and his band took an unusual form, resulting in: a) a song that bears no resemblance to Berry’s music, yet remains one of the Animals’ most enduring hits and, b) advice that Burdon probably should have taken.
“Chuck was responsible for a big part of [influencing] the British bands – the Stones, the Beatles, everybody,” Burdon recently told
But when the Animals were on a package tour with a number of other artists all opening for Berry, Burdon noticed that every band on the bill was playing Chuck’s riffs and his songs. This inspired him to go a different direction completely.
“I realized every other band was playing Chuck Berry-related songs… on a Chuck Berry tour!” Burdon explained. “I wanted to do something really different. I was thinking blues. I knew one and a half verses to ‘House Of The Rising Sun.’”

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