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Thursday 19 September 2013

Judy Dyble at 'The Rocker'

Judy Dyble Flow and ChangeJUDY DYBLE
Flow And Change
Gonzo Multimedia 2013
It’s only a few months since I reviewed the reissue of 2009s “Talking With Strangers”, saying “expect the unexpected, then prepare yourself for something even more unexpected”. And here’s the follow up, which is a direct descendant thus nullifying the previous statement. Because it’s all very expected, folk-rock into prog-rock into goodness who knows what rock. But very good.
The missing surprise really doesn’t matter as Ms Dyble and her collaborators, including producer and co-writter Alistair Murphy, along with Matt Malley (Counting Crows), Julianne Regan (All About Eve), Pat Mastelotto (King Crimson) and Mike Mooney (Spiritualized) have done a bang up job.
Don’t come here if you’re looking for flash bang wallop thrills, but if you want to take the time to reflect upon things said and unsaid in a stately, regal, yet emotional manner then this is the place for you. Granted, there are a couple of uber hippy moments that get my trigger fingy itchy, but this is the kind of thing that gave music a good name back in ye olde days. Ms Dyble is sounding better than ever, and if you’re looking for something that’s been missing from music, then this is a good place to start.
Flow and Change
CD - £9.99

Talking With Strangers
CD - £9.99

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