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Saturday 26 October 2013


It is a sad state of affairs when most people only know of HAWKWIND as “Lemmy's old band”. While true that Mr. Kilmister put some celebrity focus on HAWKWIND, there are no traces of his influence on the band. Let’s be frank, it was HAWKWIND that influencedLemmy with their drug laden, space worship that went against all other British waves of Rock N' Roll.

"Spacehawks" is a look into the recent past of a band that has a storied history. It is a collection of the old, the new and the revisited. A novel idea for a band that pushes the limits of what listeners will accept; HAWKWIND leads the charge and everyone else just falls in line. It’s been like that since the start with little having changed, their songs still challenging the public opinion of what it considers music.

The seventies are forty years gone; it is a much different world for most but HAWKWIND are debating this theory to the grave. “Masters Of The Universe” confuses the listener, part space Rock opera part video game background noise, melting minds with a cosmic laser tag game of guitar wanking. “Sacrosanct” follows with a childish jam that will mellow the mind of your toddler or freak out your stoned teen.

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