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Wednesday 30 October 2013

Roy Wood: "I was in such agony I could barely stand"

Roy Wood
Roy Wood
Birmingham pop wizard Roy Wood has undergone FIVE HOURS of surgery in a bid to ease the crippling pain which has kept him out of the limelight.
The chart star who notched up hits with The Move, Electric Light Orchestra and Wizzard before going solo, went under the knife at a private hospital. Two surgeons carefully repaired three discs and shaved part of his spine away in a successful procedure to restore Roy’s failing mobility.
He revealed news of the operation, which was carried out late last year, as he prepared to return to the stage for a special Symphony Hall show.
“For more than a year I had been suffering from agonising back problems,” said the singer, who will celebrate his 67th birthday next month. 'I had two slipped discs, another which was damaged, and stenosis – a narrowing of the spinal canal. Together, the problems made me feel as if I was having painful electric shocks shooting down my legs. It was agony, and it meant I couldn’t stand for long periods of time.

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