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Sunday 17 November 2013


If Talking with Strangers really brought Judy Dyble back to my musical map and really blew me away, Flow and Change caught me less by surprise, but it was no less enjoyable. The 2013 release is another classic by Judy. 

Judy obviously left her autharp on the sidelines this time round. But not to worry. The album features quite a strong orchestral elements with strings and woodwinds present on a large chunk of the album. Her lovely folky themes are enhanced by the orchestral parts, as well as traditional rock instruments, making Flow and Change another first for Judy. While the folk element is still strong, the symphonic one is equally convincing. The song-writing is full of melancholy, nostalgia and overall highly aesthetic. Some may miss the progressive rock which came with Harpsong on the previous album, however Judy easily tops this with the quite breathtaking musical landscapes of her youth and of rural England. You'll be transported by the storytelling and music into a land of wonder only great storytellers can create. 

Flow and Change is an album full of tenderness, love and nostalgia. Judy has crafted the songs beautifully together with Alistair Murphy (mostly) and delivered yet another proof that she is indeed getting better with each release. 

9 out of 10

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