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Monday 16 December 2013


The opening tune appears registered for the entrance of any tent with one of those human curiosities that from the ends of the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century, flourished in circuses and fairs and Festival. Tunes on "Welcome To The Freak Show 'was by Nick Zart, chief producer of' Lo! And Behold 'assembled in the now defunct, slightly legendary Southern Studios in London's Wood Green district. The illuminated with accompanying typography great cover photo shows one of the freaks from the Victorian era, or photo dates from that period is not entirely clear. Crystal Grenade is certainly the alter ego behind Carol Hodge is hidden. The talented singer and pianist from Manchester passed earlier in anarchist punk circles with Crass and Steve Ignorant and also sings at Wreck and Bad Taste Barbies.

Called Crystal Grenade she takes the listener into the dark world on the fringes of society in the Victorian London and unashamedly reveals her own dark side of her soul in gripping song work. Before suffice somewhat bizarre inflections and refined keyboard game pianist with the deformed hand, Crystal missing two fingers. For reasons obvious reasons, the operations of this eccentric soprano are sometimes compared to Amanda 'Fucking' Palmer and Tori Amos. The gloomy stories about criminals, murder and detachment heels deeper into the mind than the work and operations of the divas mentioned.

"Man of 1892" refers to Jack The Ripper while more explicit "Go Round Twice 'creates an oppressive atmosphere on dark piano tones screams desperate character that the ultimate redemption begs "give me just enough rope", a morbid mantra that ends in a seemingly sweet, fragile instrumental. The listener is constantly torn between seduction and repulsion. It is precisely this contrast that "Lo! And Behold 'becomes an intriguing piece.

Lo! And Behold
CD - £9.99

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