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Saturday 18 January 2014

COMING LATER TODAY...............

Issue 60/1 of Gonzo Weekly will be available later today, so here's your chance to ensure that it arrives safely in your inbox by subscribing.

Why subscribe?  This is quite simply the best magazine you will ever find that is edited by a mad bloke (and his orange kitten), and produced from a tumbledown potato shed on the outskirts of a tiny village that nobody's heard of in North Devon. The fact that it is published with Gonzo Multimedia - probably the grooviest record company in the known universe - is merely an added bonus.

And it is also (cue FZ reference)  ABSOLUTELY FREE! 

This issue contains the legendary Merrell Fankhauser reminiscing about Captain Beefheart and an encounter with the Manson Family, what happened when Michael Des Barres met the 'Hendrix of the Cello', a new album for Yes, a look at the legendary 'Lamb lies down on Broadway' album by Genesis, unpublished photographs showing Liz Lenten as some sort of superhero, exciting news for Hawkwind fans, and columns by C J Stone and Doug Harr. There is the new XNA video and a photograph of Archie the Jack Russell dressed as Sherlock Holmes. There is also more news, reviews, gossip and general rambling than you can shake a stick at!

Subscribe now, and make an ageing editor very happy.

PS The editor even has a pet lobster
PPS That is not a piece of neo-psychedelic whimsy. He actually has!

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