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Sunday 19 January 2014

FOR THOSE OF YOU INTERESTED IN SUCH THINGS: The latest episode of my monthly webTV show

The latest episode of our monthly webTV show from the CFZ and CFZtv, bringing you news on our activities within cryptozoology and natural history as well as the latest cryptozoological, and monster hunting news from around the world. I can't believe that we have done this every month for over six years now - 75 episodes. Golly!

This episode brings you:

CFZ in Winter
Broadband problems
Albino reed wolf
What has happened to the frogs?
Fixing the roof
Animal Rescue: New Guinea blue lobster
The kittens go outside
Animal Rescue: A brace of tortoises
My mama in law is psychopathic and gets peed on by a tortoise
Out of place birds
New and Rediscovered: New tapir
New and Rediscovered: New limpet
New and Rediscovered: New lizards

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