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Friday 24 January 2014

RICK WAKEMAN: Dudley MPs show their support for Black Country TV crew's star-packed programme plans

Dudley News: Rick Wakeman and singer Ruby Turner filming the pilot episode of SoundbitesRick Wakeman and singer Ruby Turner filming the pilot episode of Soundbites
BLACK Country film makers got the backing of top Dudley politicians for their ambitious plans to join the international jet set at the Cannes Festival.
A team from Base Media Productions Ltd in Stourbridge is heading to the south of France in April to show off their flagship project, a new TV show featuring rock legend Rick Wakeman.
The programme, which is called Soundbites, combines music and food as Rick Wakeman interviews A-list celebrities while a top chef cooks the guest’s favourite food.
Dudley South MP Chris Kelly and Dudley Conservative Group leader cllr Patrick Harley have recently been on the guest list at the company’s home, Base Studios in Rufford Road,to see the studio’s new video production and conference centre facilities.
The pair gave their backing to Base boss Waren Evans’s plans to expand the studio’s business beyond the music scene, with the ambition of creating jobs and work experience opportunities for young people.
Dudley North MP Ian Austin also took a tour of the Base and was quick to praise Base Media Productions.

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Live in Lincoln Cathedral
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Live At The Maltings
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Caped Crusader- Rick Wakeman in the 1970's
Book - £14.99

Video Vaults
6DVD box - £85.00

Cirque Surreal 
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Cost Of Living 
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