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Friday 21 March 2014

FANKHAUSER CASSIDY BAND: On the Blue Road German Review (translated)

Fankhauser Cassidy Band / On The Blue Road
On The Blue Road Playing time: 50:13 (Disc 1) 47:12 (Disc 2)
medium: Thu CD
Label: Gonzo Multimedia, 2014 (1994, 1998)
Style: Blues

Review on 03/09/2014 Markus Kerren

The American songwriter, guitarist and singer - and one of the originators of the Surf Sounds -Merrell Fankhauser we have you here in RockTimes presented already desöfteren. Only again as brief information: In the early sixties he had with The Impacts the great (and international) hit "Wipe Out", played and produced in connection with many different bands, pulled sometime for about ten years in the jungles of the Hawaiian island Maui back, was chief of the band Mu , Moderator of some music shows on TV and again sometime solo artist.
With Ed Cassidy one must probably most, the name of the band Spirit mention its fate with his foster son Randy California initiated. Fankhauser and Cassidy met for the first time in 1969, but it was not until the early nineties until the two something musical undertook together. What resulted was then at that time appeared at a smaller U.S. label album "On The Blue Road", which although not huge waves struck, but still qualifies as a small piece of jewelry lovers in circles.
And not without reason. Cassidy wanted to go more toward blues, which of course clearly reflected on the sound of the well-rehearsed songs. And especially the two wanted to have fun, which is why they were in the majority of blues standards, Fankhauser but still could intersperse also five original compositions. The disc starts quite furious with "Further On Up The Road". Merrells son Tim had here (such as including the "32/20 Blues") also assumed the lead vocals in addition to guitar, what the songs 'harder' because of his voice something also very good for you.
Again and again can also watch the fantastic Bruce Clark (harmonica) and Jim Enos slide with a great game in the foreground (piano). After "Bright Lights, Big City" (with Merrells much softer vocals) then follows with "Excited" the first Fankhauser composition that can be classified without any problems but in the standards. The joy in the recordings you hear straighten out when then join such popular songs such as "Walking The Dog" or "High Heel Sneakers".
The whole is rounded off by the poignant "Nicky's Song" (a touching tribute to the then-just deceased top pianist Nicky Hopkins ), the really good and atmospheric "Tale Of Misty Mountain", the (almost) intrumentalen theme song (again with very strong harmonica) and the closing "Psychedelic Dreams" with its trip back to the Sixties.
The second disc then offers other recordings of this short-lived band, partially already on theFankhauser Cassidy strap -EP Stolen Guitar Blues had appeared. But also other cool numbers like "Milk Cow Blues", "Cosmic Lady", "Goin 'Back To Delta" or "Voodoo In The Jungle" like and collect a lot of sympathy points easily. In "Cassidy's Big Beat" the good must Ed solo then really let the skins again tremble before finally an interview is immortalized with him.
Okay, we have here not with guitar hero in the mold of Clapton , Beck , winter to do and the likes, but it does not have to necessarily always be the case. For the joy sparks simply inevitably jumps in this double-disc over and is maintained during the entire season. Reason enough part time to test, right?
Merrell Fankhauser (guitars, lead vocals)
Ed Cassidy (drums)
Tim Fankhauser (guitars, lead vocals - CD 1 - # 1,2,9, CD 2 - # 10)
Leroy Richards (bass),
Bruce Clark (harmonica , saxophone)
Jim Eno (piano) With: Keith Frasher (bass - CD 2 - # 2,7,8,10) Pete Sears (keyboards - CD 1 - # 11, CD 2 - # 1.3) Larry Curtis (guitars - CD 2 - # 5.8) John McEuen (mandolin - CD 2 - # 5) Larry Willey (bass & background vocals - CD 2 - # 11) Art Dougall (drums - CD 1 - # 11) Valerie Johnson (background vocals - CD 2 - # 1.3) Rick Clark (background vocals - CD 2 - # 8) 


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