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Thursday 20 March 2014

Jon Anderson returns to Keswick Theatre for an evening of songs and stories

Jon Anderson’s voice is one of the best and most recognizable voices in rock music history. His unmistakable high tenor could be considered perfect. It is not, however, a falsetto, as many people believe.
“I’m an alto tenor and I can sing certain high notes,” says Anderson, “but I could never sing falsetto…”
Anderson will return to the Keswick Theatre, and his inimitable voice will feature prominently in this one-man show. He will perform solo, in what will be an intimate concert. And it is a rare opportunity to hear classic Yes and other material from throughout his career performed on just voice and guitar.
Anderson was, of course, far more than just the vocalist of Yes. He co-wrote the band’s biggest hits, including “I’ve Seen All Good People,” “Roundabout” and “Owner of a Lonely Heart,” and he was a major creative influence behind such complex pieces as “Close to the Edge,” “Awaken” and “The Gates of Delirium.”
It is wonderful that Anderson is working again after suffering recent health problems that caused him to cancel some tour dates. He reflects on the crisis with inspiring optimism.
“I went through a year of very difficult times. I think everybody does. Everybody has a tough moment health-wise because that’s the whole idea of life. You have to go through these experiences to appreciate life.”
Now that Anderson has recovered he has returned to work with unbridled passion and enthusiasm. If you thought that his health scare or his age would cause him to slow down you’d be absolutely wrong.
“(I’ve been) getting on with writing a lot of music and creating works,” Anderson says. “(I’m working on) a lot of different things this year. I’m in my 70th year so I always believed that 70 is going to be a strong momentum for the next 20 years.
CD - £9.99

3 Ships 
CD - £9.99

Live From La La Land 
DCD - £11.99

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