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Thursday 20 March 2014

Making the insights of Buddhist Wisdom available to ALL.

Fulfil a promise to The Dalai Lama: transform a Buddhist Film archive into a free online learning resource, for the benefit of all.

Making the insights of Buddhist Wisdom available to ALL.

In 1985 The Dalai Lama asked as a matter of urgency that The Meridian Trust preserve Tibetan culture at a time when its very existence was threatened. Since then we have created an archive of over 2,500 hours of footage: these recordings collectively make one of the largest and most authentic resources of Tibetan Buddhist film in the world. 
With developments in digital technology there is now the potential to make our work of the last 29 years instantly accessible for the benefit of all, thereby helping Buddhist thought develop in cultures and countries well beyond those of its origin. After many years of recording, preserving and careful curating we are finally in a position to 'Open the Vaults'.
Our goal is to build a NEW website through which this rare film archive can be shared over the Internet, for free, for the benefit of all. Here authentic Buddhist teachings and culture can be accessed at the click of a button. 
By Opening the Vaults Together we can fulfill our promise to The Dalai Lama, giving Tibetan’s access to their cultural heritage; giving back to those who have lost so much. We hope to develop a website that will benefit people from all walks of life, who wish to enrich their lives through a deeper knowledge of Buddhist wisdom.

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