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Friday 18 April 2014

Interview: Joey Molland excited about Memphis beat of latest album

Joey MollandJoey Molland has been known for power pop chords for years in his work with Badfinger on the Beatles' Apple Records label and in his solo career, but his latest album, “Return to Memphis,” is a departure, he told Beatles Examiner in a phone interview.
“I did the record in Memphis and it's completely different to anything I've ever done, really,” he said. “I've worked with a Memphis producer, a man named Carl Wise who's kind of a Memphis figure down there. He recorded Willie Mitchell and I did the record at Willie Mitchell's studio, Royal Studios down there.”
The musicians on the album include Memphis musicians Steve Potts from Booker T and the M.G.'s, Lester Snow on keyboards and Dave Smith on bass. “I'm quite excited about the whole thing. It's really a release to do something like this. I've been doing Badfinger-style records or English power pop chords most of my career. And so this is a great change for me.”
CD - £9.99

Demos Old And New
CD - £9.99

Return To Memphis
SCD - £9.99

This Way Up
CD - £9.99

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