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Thursday 26 June 2014

Rick Springfield adds ‘writer’ to his credits Renaissance rocker

File:Rick-Springfield 2010-10-20 photoby Adam-Bielawski.jpg Rick Springfield is one of those guys in high school everyone hated. You know, the football captain, class president, homecoming king and valedictorian jerk.

Aside from selling more than 25 million records including 17 top-40 hits and winning a Grammy Award, Springfield sprung to fame as a “General Hospital” actor. Now, the 64-year-old performer is adding critically acclaimed novelist to his seemingly oversized business card.

That’s right, the guy who brought you hit songs “Jessie’s Girl,” “Don’t Talk to Strangers,” “An Affair of the Heart,” “Love Somebody” and “Human Touch” recently released his debut novel, “Magnificent Vibration,” which is already on the New York Times best-seller list.

“After I wrote my own autobiography and received some good press and attention, my publishers said they liked my writing,” said Springfield, calling from Los Angeles. “So they said I should be writing fiction. I started out as a kid wanting to be a writer, and I’ve been writing all my life, but I always wanted to write prose.”

Springfield said writing “Magnificent Vibration” was easier than writing his autobiography because he didn’t have to waste time remembering his past. Instead, he was creating a new story involving a hero who hit a dead-end in his life but miraculously receives an 800 phone connection to God via an inscription in a mysterious self-help book.

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