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Sunday 15 June 2014


Rob Ayling writes: 

"Thom the World poet is an old mate of mine from way back in my history. Even pre-dating Voiceprint, when I was running "Otter Songs" and Tom's poetry tapes and guest appearances with Daevid Allen, Gilli Smyth Mother Gong are well known and highly regarded. It just felt right to include a daily poem from Thom on our Gonzo blog and when I approached him to do so, he replied with in seconds!!! Thom is a great talent and just wants to spread poetry, light and positive energy across the globe. If we at Gonzo can help him do that - why not? why not indeed!!" (The wondrous poetpic is by Jack McCabe, who I hope forgives me for scribbling all over it with Photoshop)


MY FATHER (GONE)-his world,demolished
or moved on to another address.Renovated.High rented.Updated.
our little stories diary songs.Another moves in-tiny pictures/dreams
Growing weeds in our family garden.Pubs and barber shops.Slower,older,more physical world
Places where there were fewer cars and always a space to park.Time it took for stories.
Also sweat,tobacco,alcohol,work -never fully done,always waiting
When you leave this world,all you ever owned leaves home
That includes photographs,memories,tinted,sepia,Technicolor
Little bits cling-what you leave -with children,who ,small,remember you differently
There is an ancient story that was you.Modern history precludes.

Once you leave the room,best to forget-that you will be forgotten.

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