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Tuesday 1 July 2014

Yes Preview Forthcoming Album With Clip of “Step Beyond”


Prog legends YES will unleash Heaven & Earth, their twenty-first studio album, on July 8th, and with the big release date fast approaching, the band has been harnessing the power of the internet to tease fans with clips culled from their new batch of songs. Last week, the band dropped a cool 90 seconds of a new song called “The Game,” and now they’re at it again with a too-brief glimpse at “Step Beyond,” which somehow manages to sound pristine even through computer speakers. If nothing else, YES are still masters at conjuring crystal clear sounds. Listen below and let us know what you think.

Heaven & Earth is the first album the band’s new frontman Jon Davison, and according to bassist Chris Squire, the presence of a new member allowed YES to explore new directions.

Union (Standard DVD)
DVD - £9.99

Union (2CD)
2CD - £7.99

Rock Of The 70's
DVD - £12.99

The Lost Broadcasts
DVD - £7.99

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