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Friday 27 March 2015

Review – Karnataka – Secrets of Angels

CoverLet’s face it, change is inevitable. Evolution is about gradual change, we must evolve to grow. This is beginning to become something of a moot point when I discuss music and, especially, progressive music.
If something doesn’t progress it will become stagnant, lifeless and listless yet when you talk to some music fans abut progressive rock all they can talk about are the halcyon days of the 1970’s and the likes of YesKing CrimsonVan Der Graaaf Generatorand Genesis to name a few. How then is that progressing, moving forward and delivering something new?
“If we don’t change, we don’t grow, if we don’t grow, we aren’t really living.”
It has been said by minds more sage than mine that progressive music is dying. It isn’t growing and, therefore, not living.
It seems that the artists and musicians who are thriving in the current music scene are the ones who can re-invent themselves, like a Phoenix from the flames, and be reborn as something different and, potentially, something better.
This metamorphosis into something new will often come about because the current iteration of that particular band has run its course and come to a close with some members wanting a change and thinking they have nothing more to offer. What emerges from the musical chrysalis is, hopefully, new and exciting and, maybe, superior to what preceded it.
“Things end because something else is ready to begin’.
The eclectic British band Karnataka have been through more than one re-birth and re-invention in their time, formed in 1997 they have, up to now, released four studio albums and 2 live albums.
Secrets of Angels
CD - £9.99

CD - £9.99

Delicate Flame Of Desire
CD - £9.99

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