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Tuesday 12 May 2015

Palos Verdes drummer teams up with ‘Yes’ and ‘Moody Blues’ keyboardist on album

Greg Alban at his drum kit. Courtesy photo
Greg Alban at his drum kit. Courtesy photo
by Jonathan Polakoff
Drummer Greg Alban and keyboardist Patrick Moraz, longtime friends and “musical allies,” are preparing to release their joint magnum opus.
Alban, a financial advisor who lives in Rancho Palos Verdes, and Moraz, a keyboardist who played in Yes and the Moody Blues, plan next month to release the “Moraz Alban Project,” or “MAP,” an album that takes listeners on a cosmic voyage through a progressive rock landscape full of drum and keyboard jams. (The album cover is a stylized map of the universe).
The project began ten years ago when Moraz wrote music for Alban’s drums to accompany his keyboards. But the project took on new life as electric bass, tenor saxophone, slide electric sitar and other percussion was added to the mix.
“Originally it was going to be a project just for me. It was a way for me to express myself,” Alban said. “Then the CD kept expanding and expanding as we got other players on it.”

Live In Princeton 
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