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Monday 11 May 2015

Steve Hackett talks Wolflight, phrasing and the nylon knack

As the lead guitarist in UK prog legends Genesis, Steve Hackett's pioneering style and technique was hugely influential on a whole generation of guitar virtuosos, from Brian May and Steve Rothery, to Edward Van Halen and Alex Lifeson. Now he's back with a hugely impressive new solo album, Wolflight, which proves once again that Hackett is the leader of the pack...
"Steve Hackett has long been regarded as one of the UK's most innovative and influential guitar players"
Steve Hackett has long been regarded as one of the UK's most innovative and influential guitar players. The prog rock legend - who spent seven years as lead guitarist in Genesis between 1970 and 1977 - is even widely credited with inventing two-handed tapping and introducing sweep picking to rock 'n' roll electric guitar. Hats off.
Hackett recently released his 23rd solo album, Wolflight - four decades since his debut solo record, Voyage Of The Acolyte - and it is arguably one of his most ambitious works to date featuring a "tag team" of metal, progressive rock, folk and blues with classical orchestral arrangements and music from across the globe, all gelled together with stories and residuals from centuries of the world's cultural history.
Indeed, the central theme for the new record is the fight for freedom, whether this be the struggles of Afro-Americans in the Deep South or the fierce battles of nomadic horsemen long ago in Asia.
As ever, Steve's guitar playing never strays from the sublime, whether he's plugging in an electric, picking at one of his beloved nylon six-strings or even trying his hand at an Arabian lute. Wolflight sees a more primal side to the musician (and not just on its cover artwork); it's a joy to behold...

Spectral Mornings
DVD - £5.99

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