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Thursday 20 August 2015

Mick Abrahams - US Review

Mick Abrahams – “Revived” (Gonzo Multimedia)

Classic rock scholars will remember Abrahams as the original guitarist for Jethro Tull, and perhaps they even recall that he was in Blodwyn Pig. Here the guitarist runs through a varied set that includes the swing blues of “Elz. & Abys Jam,” blues rocker “Summer Day” and even a lighthearted take on the Lieber and Stoller-penned Coasters number “What about Us?” A cornucopia of hot players including Bill Wyman (The Rolling Stones), Elliot Randall (Steely Dan), Martin Barre (Jethro Tull), Bernie Marsden (Whitesnake) and Jim Rodford (The Kinks) abet Abrahams throughout.


CD - £9.99

See My Way
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The Best of ABY Vol 2
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Leaving Home Blues/This Is!
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Live in Forli
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All Said and Done
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Mick's Back/Novox
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Mick's Back
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Leaving Home Blues
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