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Friday 11 September 2015


alan white 640

Many rock legends have, obviously, lived the dream of being rock legends. It takes an enormous amount of work, practice, networking, hunger, and climbing of the musical ladder to get there, and those who have reached the top will tell you how difficult the journey was. They’ll say stuff like, “Bro, we slept in a van for two years before getting our first big gig.” I know this because I’m currently on that journey. I’ve been trying to be an official rocker for some time now, but I’m also happy as the amateur rocker that I currently am.

On my own journey to the top, I’ve had the opportunity to talk to many men who have reached rock stardom about their experiences assimilating into the industry. None of those people, though, are quite like Alan White, drummer for Yes, John Lennon, George Harrison, Joe Cocker, and many others. What sets him apart is the fact that he literally has never been on an audition. He’s never had a “real” job. He never even tried to be a rock legend.


Union (Standard DVD)
DVD - £9.99

DVD - £12.99

Union (2CD)
2CD - £7.99

Rock Of The 70's
DVD - £12.99

The Lost Broadcasts
DVD - £7.99

Rock of the 70s
DVD - £9.99

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