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Sunday 27 September 2015

Rick rolling his way to the Priory

Rick Wakeman

It’s half-past eight in the morning when I make contact with Rick Wakeman. And despite his memorable contributions to the BBC’s Grumpy Old Men, he’s bright and breezy.

So what time did this revered ivory-tinkler, who has sold 50 million records worldwide, get up this morning?

“Half past five, sir! I’ve been like that for years and years. I suppose it started when I was doing paper rounds.

“Then when I started doing session work, the first ones in London were at nine in the morning. To beat the rush hour you had to leave at six.

“I mean...I’m in the wrong profession. I’m knackered by nine o’clock and want to go to bed far too early.

“The great thing is you get a load of stuff done before everything starts going nuts.


Richard Christopher 'Rick' Wakeman (born 18 May 1949) is an English keyboard player and songwriter best known for being the former keyboardist in the progressive rock band Yes. He is also known for hi..

Richard Christopher 'Rick' Wakeman (born 18 May 1949) is an English keyboard player and composer best known for being the former keyboardist in the progressive rock ..

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