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Thursday 24 March 2016


WILD MAN FISCHER - An evening with
/ Published on 21-03-2016 /
If Larry "Wild Man" Fischer was not closely related to Frank Zappa, long ago that his musical work would have fallen into the dustbin of history. It is indeed Frank Zappa who discovers that character unconventional in the streets of Los Angeles, where it begs in exchange for little songs he improvises for those who want to offer him a room. And it should be emphasized patience and magnanimity of Frank Zappa, who produced the first album of that Wild Man Fischer, who has actually proven to be seriously mentally ill, tormented by paranoia and bipolar, to the point of being quite dangerous and unpredictable. Fischer is 24 years old when discovered by Frank Zappa. The guy lives on the street after several stays in psychiatric hospitals and some attempts to stabbing his mother and brothers. Amused by the individual talent of Larry Fischer, who improvises little songs of his own that he sings to passers Frank Zappa takes him under his wing, made ​​him take a good shower, dressed from head to toe with clean clothes and undertakes to make him record an album which will be released on his new label Bizarre, set up following a distribution agreement with Warner Bros. 
We are then in 1969, that is to say, in full time Mothers of invention Frank Zappa, who experiments at that time all sorts of things musically, between abstruse vanguard, deviant psychedelia and sound collages. It is therefore not surprising to see Frank Zappa full support to the initiatives more than musical wacky Wild Man Fischer. This will result in a double album entitled "An evening with Wild Man Fischer" , consisting of 36 pieces of varying durations (thirty seconds to seven minutes) and where the crazy singer engages in improvisations a cappella, sometimes with musical accompaniment wave or sound collages. Participate in this adventure zany musicians Mothers, Frank Zappa, of course (who also produced the album), and Kim Fowley , the DJ Rodney Bingenheimer and GTOs (a women's group also produced by Frank Zappa) coming recite texts on the song "the madness & ecstasy" . This type of work was typical of the Roaring '60s and is now extinct world. 
Wild Man Fischer ended up quarreling definitively with Frank Zappa, returned to the streets but curiously pursued a musical career on the fringes of the underground. Unpredictable and sometimes dangerous, he regularly returned to a psychiatric hospital and died in 2011 because of heart problems. This album "An evening woth Wild Man Fischer" had long remained unpublished in CD, the widow of Frank Zappa, Gail Zappa, stubbornly refusing to allow such a reissue. The Zappa family actually owned the rights to that album and it seems that the recent death of Gail Zappa has unblocked the situation. Gonzo Multimedia label reissued in CD so this unclassifiable work but it must be admitted that this album should work primarily for the admirers of Frank Zappa and nostalgic 60s in what they had further shifted. If you like avant-garde experiments with improvisation and screamed senseless stories, recitations wacky and minimalist instrumentation, the album will speak. But it is not sure that your serenity is still intact after the hour and a half needed to hear this work among the craziest of rock history.

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