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Wednesday 7 March 2018


Gardening Club, The - The Gardening Club

Artur Chachlowski , Gardening Club, The - The Gardening Club
"The Gardening Club" is a re-edition of the originally released album in 1983 branded with the same name. This is a project of an Englishman living in the ocean, Martin Springett, who in the 70s and 80s of the last century acted, rather with moderate success, in various rock formations.
Wytwórnia Gonzo Multimedia , which has made a compact reissue of a long-forgotten album, added up to 12 original tracks to 5 additional studio recordings, making "The Gardening Club" a massive, 74-minute volume and advertising it as "the right album released at the wrong time". In fact, the year of the release of this album is the new romantic era and the still-well-new wave. Young people playing progressive rock did not want to hear about it (well, except for the debuting in the same year under the EMI Marillion group). No wonder that the release of the album "The Gardening Club" passed almost unnoticed. Does he have a chance to rediscover now? Apparently Martin Spingett is currently working on the second album of The Gardening ClubSo for sure from the marketing point of view, the idea of ​​re-edition of the album from 1983 is a hit. The more so because the resume is enriched with not only bonus recordings, but a fabulously colorful 24-page booklet in which you can find graphic illustrations (also by Springetta!) Of each of the tracks on the album.
And musically? On the album we are dealing with sounds typical of the 70s and music maintained in the spirit of King Crimson 'colorful albums' (Martin Springett's singing sometimes resembles the voice of Adrian Belew), early Genesis, and above all a lot of acoustic guitars, nice for the ear melody and good organic playing in the style of the Camel group. For this type of playing, the 'pastoral prog' label is often glued and, in my opinion, this term fits well with the nature of The Gardening Club music. The album is a mixture of vocal and instrumental pieces very well produced by Don Geppert, who made sure that the noble sounds of the soprano saxophone played by Bob Brough did not get blurred in the rock sound of The Gardening Club. Album sounds consistent, has a nice 'flow'and despite the gigantic portion of the music it contains, it is completely obeyed without nervous movements in the form of skipping to the next tracks.
I would not call The Gardening Club a 'lost masterpiece'. But this is a piece of really nice music, which I recommend with a clear conscience to listeners appreciating the old good music moods maintained in the spirit of the characteristic Camelian sound.


The Gardening Club
CD - £9.99

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