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Thursday 25 April 2019


Auburn Play The "Game Of Faith" With Their New Release

From the U.K. comes the latest release from the Americana/roots band Auburn. Their new album titled "Game Of Faith" features fourteen songs of blues, jazz and folk all rolled up into one pot of relaxing, feel good music. The album begins with with the swagger of the title song "Game Of Faith," as you are re-introduced to singer Liz Lenten and her distinguished voice. Her vocals are sweet and comforting, as she draws upon her influences in her performance of the mellow jazz of "Bad Girl, Good Woman" and the stark acoustic blues of "I Drank." The band delivers the perfect backdrop of music for the more up-tempo swinging rhythm of "Prosecco-Fuelled Profiles" and "It's Not Love." Auburn finish their latest album with the classic country vibe of "Like I Do" and the gentle, poetic touch of "His Arms." To find out more about Auburn and their new upcoming studio album "Game Of Faith," please visit


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