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Friday 31 January 2020


Frank Zappa's 1969 record Hot Rats is notable for a number of reasons. It was Zappa's first album after breaking up The Mothers of Invention. It's also ...

The eagle-eyed amongst you will have also noticed that the Gonzo Multimedia websites have changed and are in a process of flux, so there are no individual sales links at the moment. But check out for a thing of wonder.
There is - in the pipeline - a hunky-dory, all singing, all dancing, Gonzo Publications website which will feature all the Gonzo Books, the magazine, the blog posts, and everything else, but – once again – I am doing the coding for it and in the inevitable scramble to deal with everything else that I am having to deal with at the moment, not ignoring the emotional fallout from mother’s funeral only a fortnight ago, everything is delayed.

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