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Monday 24 February 2020


A huge influence to the creation of the new album is rock icon Frank Zappa plus one of his collaborators Andrew Barrow, who not only produced and ..

But as far as pure wall of noise goes, I say the heaviest song is “Weasels Ripped My Flesh,” by Frank Zappa. It's so heavy I can hardly believe it even ...

The eagle-eyed amongst you will have also noticed that the Gonzo Multimedia websites have changed and are in a process of flux, so there are no individual sales links at the moment. But check out for a thing of wonder.
There is - in the pipeline - a hunky-dory, all singing, all dancing, Gonzo Publications website which will feature all the Gonzo Books, the magazine, the blog posts, and everything else, but – once again – I am doing the coding for it and in the inevitable scramble to deal with everything else that I am having to deal with at the moment, not ignoring the emotional fallout from mother’s funeral only a fortnight ago, everything is delayed.

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