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Friday 20 March 2020

Rock 'n' Reel Sings The Praises of The Progressive Underground Volume 2

In the latest issue of Rock n Reel, Rychard Carrington has some wonderful words to say about The Progressive Underground Volume 2.

Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says '£5.50 with FREE CD ROOTS, SINGER-SONGWRITER, FOLK, ROCK, WORLD AND BLUES RF "These days it's yoga, camomile tea and three Our Fathers" Christy Moore FOUNDED 1988 Over 300 reviews! Neil Innes Peter Knight Terry Allen Andy White Cornershop Frode Haltli Najma Akhtar Sam Lee Séamus Egan TradFest The Electric Prunes The Peanut Butter Conspiracy Albert Castiglia Carmel Art Alexakis Breabach Maz O'Connor Ben Poole UN-HERD... 80 extensive 300+ more... March/April2020 SSUE80'In The Progressive Underground - Vol 2 Kev Rowland proves that, not content with being an exuberant connoisseur of progressive rock acts from 1990 to 2006 whose names begin with letters ranging from ‘A’ to ‘H’, he is also an exuberant connoisseur of progressive rock acts from 1990 to 2006 whose names begin with letters ranging from ‘I’ to ‘S’ as well! There’s a Ph.D. in examining how alphabetical positions influenced the character of prog bands’ music.

Rowland chronicles the era in prog by reproducing his RNR-sized album reviews (also with nice wee pictures of covers) from his Feedback fanzine. His praise flows so effusively that the occasional negative comment is refreshing. One hapless album is dismissed with ‘for the most part this is just plain boring. Be warned.’ So when Kev returns to being laudatory, you know he is sincere.

Indeed, Kev’s enthusiasm and dedication to the supremely unfashionable scene reflects that of the musicians he writes about. They are just in it for the love of it, bolstered by the support of those who share their passion. IQ and Pendragon may hardly be household names, but the admiration of cognoscenti such as Rowland must mean a lot to them.


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