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Monday 3 August 2020

Kev Rowland - The Progressive Underground - Volume 3 update

Over the last few months we have repeatedly been asked when The Progressive Underground Volume 3 will be available, and at long last we can say it is very close indeed. It was actually sent to the printers a the brginnig of the year, but due to a series of unfortunate events, including of course COVID 19, it has been consistently delayed. However, the sample hard copy proof is finally with the author in New Zealand, and once he has completed his checks we will be able to publish.

Volumes 1 and 2 are of course still available, and all three combine together to form the largest book ever written on the underground progressive scene from the Nineties and beyond. At half a million words it is larger than Lord of the Rings!

This volume features forewords from both Artur Chachlowski (MLWZ.PL) and Stephen Paine (Legend), and the rear cover has comments from Gary Chandler (Jadis) and John Dexter Jones (Jump). It completes the alphabet with album reviews from T-Z, plus short reviews, DVD/Video reviews, gig reviews and interviews. Kev Rowland says:

"This is my favourite of the three, as for me the interviews and gig reviews really work as a time machine taking me back to the Nineties when the prog scene felt like a family. Working through conversations I had more than quarter of a century ago with the likes of Nick Barrett (Pendragon), Brian Devoil (Twelfth Night), Stu Nicholson (Galahad) and so many others, combined with memories of so many pub and club gigs enabled me to relive a time long past. Hopefully that will be the same for so many others when they see it."

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