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Sunday 13 December 2020



You can bet your ass Frank Zappa would have some shit to say about the state of the world in 2020 were he alive today. There's no accurate description ...
What a way to kick off the weekend! The Tivoli Theatre is thrilled to announce two brand new Virtual Cinema releases, available now! Enjoy the Bobby ...

Zappa, the daughter of musician Frank Zappa, describes growing up in an unconventional household, creating a “finely wrought memoir of Los ...
... classical music, and his latest is a homage to Frank Zappa. In total, 23 musicians feature on the album, including several well known names such as ...


The eagle-eyed amongst you will have also noticed that the Gonzo Multimedia websites have changed and are in a process of flux, so there are no individual sales links at the moment. But check out for a thing of wonder.
There is a hunky-dory, all singing, all dancing, Gonzo Publications website is now pretty well done, although there arve still nine authors who need personal pages. You can find it at and then tell me what a clever fellow I am. It even has a haiku to explain why some links are not finished:
"These links do not work, now but they will do so soon, we apologise"


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