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Saturday 29 September 2012

LINK: Yes Solo Album Series - Jon Anderson

So here we are at last (oh how I've dragged this one out), the conclusion of our meander down memory lane that leads to the first batch of solo albums by members of Yes in 1975/76. How's that for a concept? Overwrought. All five albums have proven to have their good bits and, in certain cases certainly, not so good bits, but the final section of our celebration is almost all good. Indeed, in parts, it's quite beautiful. Given that we are dealing with a Yes-related piece of art here, we'll have to take as a given that there is a certain degree of unintended absurdity to be found therein, but, it should to be said that Jon Anderson's Olias of Sunhillow (1976), is quite a triumph of the Prog genre...

Check out Jon Anderson's Gonzo Artist Page

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