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Tuesday 15 December 2015

Auburn : Mixed Feeling

Auburn : Mixed Feelings – Cd;Bat Country;BC034CD
Album Kindly submitted by Hemifran

Style : Americana
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Auburn is a British band around singer songwriter Liz Lenten formed in 1999. With Mixed Feelings they releasing their second Nashville recorded album and their fourth studio release. To be honest, I hadn’t heard much about the band before and that is listening to Mixed Feelings, truly something be ashamed of. The music goes from blues over a bit of pop to country and Americana. A mixed bag for sure but it works out fine on a couple of occasions. Before we talk about the tunes on this album, I have to tell you a bit about the voice of singer Liz. Her voice is quite warm and soulful and does come with an almost constant tremolo. If the music they bring might sound a bit too common, the timbre of her voice makes form Liz a kind of stand out singer amongst the others. Sure you might not like to much, but for me it works.

Mixed Feelings brings together 12 tunes that are quite interesting to listen to. Leading track (and title track) “Mixed feelings” definitely put the right vibes into the album from the first note on. “New years day” is some kind of ballad but it’s on “Hell hath no fury” that we can hear the fun Liz had recording this album. The tune comes with a bluegrass banjo and a dobro putting the right vibes back where they belong. “Crystal stairs” is another tune you want to check out when listening to this album, as is the country song “Out there”. On “Wood for the trees” the bluegrass banjo is back this time accompanied by a nice fiddle.

On their fourth release, Auburn put together a handful of tunes that are definitely worth to add to your personal song collection. The album itself needs a couple of spins to fully grow on you, but I’m pretty sure it will do in the end.

Mr. Blue Boogie 


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