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Tuesday 15 December 2015

Yes, “Perpetual Change” from The Yes Album (1971): YESterdays

People seem to have an obsession this time of year with best of lists, and I guess I’m no different. I have yet to compose a list of the best albums from the world’s greatest progressive rock band but, if I do, The Yes Album, will be in the top three. “Perpetual Change,” the final song on the album is a wonder of polyrhythms, poetic lyrics, tight harmonies, elegant and non-obtrusive piano and organ, and sometimes melodic, always innovative guitar.

The Yes Album is not considered part of the main sequence of Yes albums, which starts when Rick Wakeman joins the band for Fragile, but is has all the elements that make the band great. On “Perpetual Change” — co-written by Jon Anderson and Chris Squire — the lyrics start with a dreamy imagery of a country home setting and the change of seasons but the metaphor works for the life of the band, as well as life in general.

Evocative, elegant but not preachy, the lyrics almost skate above the jazzy backbeat of Bill Bruford and offer a counter balance to Steve Howe’s opening power chords. Chris Squire’s bass is innovative as always, but his call and response backing vocal to Anderson continues to amaze. Keyboardist Tony Kaye is not to be outdone, with jazzy piano touches aptly supported by a few light Hammond Organ phrases.


Union (2CD)
2CD - £7.99

Rock Of The 70's
DVD - £10.99

The Lost Broadcasts
DVD - £7.99

Rock of the 70s
DVD - £7.99

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