"Thom the World poet is an old mate of mine from way back in my history. Even pre-dating Voiceprint, when I was running "Otter Songs" and Thom's poetry tapes and guest appearances with Daevid Allen, Gilli Smyth and Mother Gong are well known and highly regarded. It just felt right to include a daily poem from Thom on our Gonzo blog and when I approached him to do so, he replied within seconds!!! Thom is a great talent and just wants to spread poetry, light and positive energy across the globe. If we at Gonzo can help him do that - why not?
Weather,emotions,relationships,prevailing beliefs
which change as we dance around the Lotus.
We can not go back,nor trespass upon tomorrow
(except as conjecture for future and memories for pasts)
We throw stones into the stream of consciousness
and posit radar from their sound return.We watch birds
and build planes of consciousness.Black sheep morph into Black swans.
Every theory lasts only as long as data supports it(provisionally)
Technology changes us.Its rate of change affects our consciousness.
Philogiston as redundant as phrenology.Telegraph as lost a skill as
Stenography as useless as slate tablets &chalk .Abacus goes the way of
early calculators.
Lodged in time,with competing 100th Monkeys for our attention.2016 falls to
2017 .
Muzak insists it is still 1956.1965.1995.Anytime but now.
While we sift data streams to formulate provisional poetry
which may be refuted by retro-tomorrow.
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