It just felt right to include a daily poem from Thom on our Gonzo blog and when I approached him to do so, he replied with in seconds!!! Thom is a great talent and just wants to spread poetry, light and positive energy across the globe. If we at Gonzo can help him do that - why not?"
now my library has displaced all
Collected records-78 rpms,45
rpm singles,EPs,LPs-even Cds
They sit,loved but
unplayed.Time has run away.Were eye to replay
all those video formats,those
CDRs,DVDs/lives would be lost
in consumption rather than
creative production.Memory must sharpern
when each experience is
unique.Even if history repeats/versions change(like formats)
Black and white worlds admit
Kodak color and widescreen IMAX special effects.
Every vision is
once.Epiphanies in the washing up.Stone dropped in the pool of Silence.
Half a haiku need must sing
louder than monumental epics.Desk Calendars and Hallmark persist.
Country and Western
sweet.Lullabies and laments cycle birth,life,death.Free will allows us
to create illusion continuity
/when each page is a Uni-verse,every Chapter a Creation Saga.
Each Book
Upanishads/Gita/Koran/Bible memorised and translated to distil peace
even when obsession demands we
argue over interpretations
when even the Churches are
bombed and burning
And our Garden of Eden is a
Madness and genius – cosmologist Janna Levin on the
vitalizing power of obsessiveness, from Newton to Einstein
all of nature’s greatest secrets encrypted in our own selves?”
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