Thursday 23 July 2020

MARTIN SPRINGETT - News From The Potting Shed - The Parade of Possibilities - V9

Here is the ninth of Martin Springett's ideas for artwork for the next album, 'Strange Kingdom'.

Martin says:

"Here we see a Glimm, he is Flooting The Pont. The Pont, as is well known, is a living instrument. When played by a master musician with just the right embouchure, touch and tone, the Pont will bring forth music in the form of insect like creatures, that transpose into pure Sounds and Gnotes. See - Living Instruments, Their Habitat, Lives and Musical Inclinations, by Stanislaw Mizzleclaw, University Of Fiddlestan - 1987. Also, Gnotes, Mayflies Of The Musical World, by Phyllis Zitoast, Glimmer Publishing - 1907."

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What happens when you mix what is - arguably - the world's most interesting record company, with an anarchist manic-depressive rock music historian polymath, and a method of dissemination which means that a daily rock-music magazine can be almost instantaneous?

Most of this blog is related in some way to the music, books and films produced by Gonzo Multimedia, but the editor has a grasshopper mind and so also writes about all sorts of cultural issues which interest him, and which he hopes will interest you as well.