Strange Fruit is a unique two-hour radio show exploring the world of underground, strange and generally neglected music. All shows are themed and all shows set out to give the most hardened of sound-hounds some new delight to sample.
The show is also unique in providing homework for undergraduate students on North West Kent College’s Foundation Degree in Professional Writing (who dig up many of the odd facts featured in the links between tracks).
Neil Nixon, the founder and presenter of the show has released a book about rare albums for Gonzo Multimedia.
The show is broadcast on Miskin Radio every Sunday from 10-00-midnight.
10-10-2021 – SHOW 431 – Bevis Frond: Little Eden
Anika: Naysayer
Tintern Abbey: My Prayer
New Age Doom feat Lee Scratch Perry: ` Life is an Experiment
The Bevis Frond: You Owe Me
Blockhead: For Fork’s Sake
Ahmed and Abdul Malik: African Bossa Nova
Les Baxter: The Enchanted Sea
George Harrison: Zig Zag
Monsieur Doumani: Pissourian
Bridgid Mae Power: I’ll be Here in the Morning
Rick Deitrick: For Marsha
The Bevis Frond: As I Lay Down to Die
The Bevis Frond: Find the Mole
Harkness: Lure of the Pollen
Kondi Band: It’s God’s World (So Don’t do Bad)
AMAMI: Dangerous Flowers
Kristen Gallerneaux: Get Dancing
Directions: Echoes (Radio Edit #1)
Spirit: Would you Believe/Stars are Love/Monkey, See Monkey do/Chairman Mao/Would you elieve/Hollywood Dream
HMOT feat Rupert Clervaux: Revolution 0
The Bevis Frond: Dreams of Flying
Walter McLements: Thresholds (Through a Hole in the Fence)
David Crosby: I’d Swear There was Somebody Here
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