How Eric Burdon became known as the "Eggman" will scramble your mind.
Being a record nerd, and a bit of a head, it's inevitable some of my record-nerd conversation threads eventually lead into discussions regarding the Beatles. Of course, it's fine to talk about the Beatles, but it can sometimes feel a bit entry-level to revisit rote conversations about the Fabs; really, how much more needs to be said? Anyway, this weekend I found myself in one of those conversations (and then via Dangerous Minds) where I was reminded that "the Eggman" from the Beatles' song "I Am the Walrus," was a reference to the Animals' frontman, Eric Burdon, and his
exploits sexploits.
According to Bob Spitz in The Beatles: The Biography Lennon bestowed the nickname in “a reference to a 1966 orgy he attended with Eric Burdon, who earned the nickname for breaking raw eggs on girls during sex.”
Oh boy. I hate to turn this post into a poor man's Savage Love, but I'm afraid to wade into teh internet "fetish" search waters alone—does anyone know the term for an egg fetish? Um, IS there an egg fetish? Would this have to do with a person's taste for eggs Bene-dicks? Turns out, as told by Burdon in his autobiography, Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood, he wasn't the CRACK-up, it was his date, and the YOKE was actually on him!
The Lost Broadcasts DVD - £9.99 |
The Animals And Beyond DVD - £9.99 |
Beat Beat Beat - Eric Burdon DVD - £4.99 |
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