Why bad verse? That is simple. I am a lousy poet, and to be horribly honest I doubt whether my silly doggerel counts as poetry, but it amuses me, and it also amuses various Gonzofolk such as Erik Norlander, and the lovely Liz Lenten of Auburn. Now, Liz opened a real can of Pandora's boxlike worms the other week, because she sent me a poem in reply, and ever since then I make sure that there is a Lizstory every Sunday. (Note to other artists: I am easily bribed and a few lines of verse, or a double concept album, song story or eight movement Rock Opera each week will guarantee your placing in the sunday news).
Yesterday, I pinched some arty pictures from some arty pictures from the Auburn Facebook page and wrote the following lines in my defence:
And it would not be a Sunday blog
although the rest is quite diverse,
I always try to find the space
for 8 lines of Liz Lenten verse,
because her album Indian Summer
is really bloody good you know,
so each week I still try to plug it,
and I've done it once again (ho ho)
To which the Divine Ms L replied:
Now Jon, let me make this very clear,
To me, you have become quite dear
So, anything you ‘nick’ to post is fine
What’s mine is yours…….its in the rhyme
Now Phil Reeves is a clever bloke
Of which you have already spoke (en!)
His shots are always so unique
And he makes me look so cool and chic
There’s more to come, so just for you
We’ll send exclusive pics straight thru
And then you’ll know when you next post
the shots were seen on Gonzo blog first (!)
PS - sorry for the awful rhymes - it is Sunday and I am tired!!
There really is nothing that I can say to that except to bow graciously, and point you in the direction of her Gonzo Artist page
P.S. I hope my mate Biffo who once was scriptwriter for Sooty and Sweep appreciates the headline
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